Interactive AR Marketing Apps and E-Cards for Every Occasion

Choose from ready-to-use AR-enhanced cards or design inspirations, which can be customized and paired with AR apps to create a unique experience. Let us help you make your message truly unforgettable

Simply scan the QR code or press the button on your smartphone, then point your camera at the front image of the card to bring it to life. AR seamlessly overlays digital content onto the physical world, adding interactive animations, videos, and 3D elements. Whether it’s a greeting, thank-you card, wedding invitation, or pastoral care message, our AR-enhanced cards create a truly memorable and engaging way to connect.

Explore Our Ready-to-Use AR E-Cards

NaydIT Augmented Reality Cards Sky
NaydIT Augmented Reality Cards Designer Cards Refuge
NaydIT Augmented Reality Cards Memory Boat

The AR apps on the cards shown are available for ordering and can be paired with different card designs. Custom AR and card design development is also available upon request.

Find Inspiration in Our Designs

These cards are perfect starting points for your project. You can choose to add any of our pre-set AR apps or work with us to create a custom AR experience that matches your message.

Three Rows Scrolling
Anxiety 2
Not afraid
Refuge 2
Cast All Anxiety
Perfect Peace
When Afraid
Do Not Be Anxious
Deep In Prayer
Heal my Pain
Birthday Dolphins
Birthday Wine
NaydIT Scrolling Text Augmented Reality Apps 2
How to Use
the AR Cards.
No App Download.
How to Use
the AR Cards.
No App Download.
How to Use
the AR Cards.
No App Download.
How to Use
the AR Cards.
No App Download.
How to Use
the AR Cards.
No App Download.
How to Use
the AR Cards.
No App Download.

To test the ready-to-use the cards above, open your phone’s camera, scan the QR code, tap the link that appears, and grant camera access if prompted. Then, point your camera at the card design and enjoy the augmented reality cards experience!